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SuitePad Blog / SuitePad News / Why SuitePads are not stolen from hotel rooms

- Updated on 10.05.23 -

grip-lines-verticalMany hotels face theft issues that often reach far beyond the mere hotel bathrobe. How is it possible to provide guests with modern tablet computers in their rooms without them being stolen, then?


At SuitePad, we developed a 5-stage program that ensures that our theft rate remains below 2% (annual average) throughout Europe.

1. Tablets run in kiosk mode

The guest is not able to use his or her SuitePad beyond the premises, because it has been customized for your hotel.

2. GPS-Tracking

If you so wish, we can activate a tracking function during the initial installation, which will allow you to find the device at any time.

3. Deterrence

Each guest is informed about the integrated anti-theft measures upon using the device.

4. Reversing the burden of proof

A frequent problem lies in the fact, that one has to prove that the guest has stolen the device and not someone else. With SuitePad you can reverse the burden of proof by having your guests accept these conditions prior to using the tablet.

5. Insurance

If you are still not convinced, we can offer you an optional insurance protection for the devices. In this case we insure tablets not only against theft, but also against breakage!If you desire to replace your current guest information, we offer tablet PCs that will help you keep your content up-to-date, while also providing premiere guest entertainment with newspapers, games, and internet access. 

- Published on November 08, 2013

Topics: SuitePad News

Tilmann Volk

Tilmann Volk

As co-founder and managing director, Tilmann oversees operations, product development, and engineering initiatives at SuitePad. He regularly features in webinars sharing his comprehensive understanding of the hospitality industry.

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