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SuitePad Blog / Hotel Technology / Phone calls with the in-room tablet – modern solution for modern times

- Updated on 22.04.24 -

A tablet-based hotel telephone system? Absolutely!

Why should a hotel do without a traditional telephone? Why should it use a tablet for its guest communication? To reduce costs and improve the quality of its service? Yes, exactly. But the answers are more complex than that. Let’s start with the obvious: the visual effect. Even though many hotel telephones boast the word ‘design’ in their product names, their reality is a far cry from modern design standards. In fact, there’s often nothing stylish about them. A box will always be a box, no matter how slim, compact or horizontal it is. Only a tiny minority of hotel telephones are truly space-saving, practical or attractive – it’s just not part of their ‘design’. That’s before we mention the fact that the key pad and receiver are hard to clean, and many guests don’t feel comfortable touching them. For guests from Generation Z, landline telephones are already amusingly retro – and not in a good way.

Tablets, on the other hand, are neat, mobile, elegant and attractive. Well, the SuitePad is, anyway. Not all tablets are made equal, as anyone withAn old telephone booth in the hotel their own personal tablet will know all too well. There can be significant differences in terms of a device’s haptic characteristics, handling and quality. Countless tests have proven it. Computer magazines, foundations and independent institutes all try to bring greater transparency into an ocean of products. A good test result normally means a good product. SuitePad is one of them. For example, it has won the HotelTech Award 2022, awarded by HotelTechReport.com. The result was based on 25,000 reviews from international hotel owners. 

More than just a phrase – quality matters

The SuitePad is lightweight, thin and user-friendly. There’s a good reason for this. Hardware development is a top priority at SuitePad. Reliable, high-quality haptics, optics and design are par for the course. The result? An extremely high-quality product that is pleasant to handle and has an elegant, ultra-modern design. It boasts excellent screen resolution and image quality and is innovative and easy to use, even for beginners. The tablet responds immediately to any input; it offers good contrasts, clear colours and sits comfortably in your hand. The SuitePad stands out in all the right ways. This allows it to integrate especially well into the interior of high-class hotels and individual, design or boutique hotels. Any hotel that values design and convenience will be pleased with SuitePad.

Imagine entering your room and being greeted by the highest standards of modern hospitality, a rainfall shower, extensive tiling, a mobile coffee machine, smart control elements… and a completely antiquated device in the corner. It just doesn’t fit. Of course, every hotel room needs a telephone function. But not a traditional telephone. A tablet, on the other hand, is an indicator of high-quality services and information at your hotel. And the ability to make phone calls is one of those services, as it should be. The call function is clearly visible on the display, and guests are made aware of it as soon as they use the tablet for the first time. All your guests need to do to call the room service, request a wake-up call, book hotel services, reserve a table at the restaurant, pick up their luggage or check out is to pick up the handy tablet, touch the screen and tap "Make A Phone Call".

More than just a voice

The tablet is also an incredible brand messenger. This is where the software comes into play. The SuitePad user interface is completely individualized. The font, colours, images and interface design can be matched perfectly to your hotel’s brand identity – truly outstanding service. Such a high degree of individualization is rare on the market. And this is about more than just implementing the hotel’s own design. It’s about making something unique. A graphical user interface that reflects the hotel’s corporate identity and character to a tee. Our closely interconnected team of account managers, content managers and IT specialists turn every SuitePad into a distinguished communication device. Every phone call, every use increases customer loyalty and the likelihood of additional bookings.

Specialization leads to expertise

Let’s talk about one of those much-vaunted benefits: cost savings. By integrating a virtual telephone system through a tablet, you save money on telephone hardware, set-up fees and, in new buildings, cabling. With Voice over IP, you can minimise your monthly fees, too. Switching also makes sense if you are getting rid of in-room telephones during a renovation. In addition to complete systems (i.e. the tablet, telephone system, organization, installation and all-round service), SuitePad also lets you integrate the tablets into existing telephone system structures. SuitePad can be used for virtually all aspects of your guest communication with individual adjustments. We have the right package for any on-site situation. Plus, our internal teams adapt and perfect these packages step by step for every single client, from individual hotels to hotel chains of all sizes. Thanks to this high degree of specialization in digital guest communication in the hotel industry, all SuitePad team members boast in-depth industry expertise and a genuine understanding of the real requirements. Whether you want maximum individuality or a uniform brand identity across all hotels in your group, our tailor-made customer service achieves what others only promise. Our service continues until your project has succeeded – and further optimizations are always an option.

SuitePad strives to make the most out of its basis, the tablet. Guests need to enjoy holding it. Its quality needs to reflect the hotel’s quality. It needs to offer all important information at a glance but still surprise the guests with unexpected features. When those requirements are met, the tablet blends seamlessly into the hotel room and you will not miss your standalone telephones. In short: introducing tablets for guest communication is an investment that pays off – for the hotel management, for employees and, above all, for guests.

- Published on May 13, 2022

Gregor Herz

Gregor Herz

Gregor was a content marketing manager at SuitePad between May 2019 and October 2021.

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