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SuitePad Blog / Industry Trends / Taking It o the Extreme! – The 3 Largest Orders Placed via a SuitePad

- Updated on 10.05.23 -

grip-lines-verticalStaying at a hotel is all about kicking back, relaxing, and letting the staff make sure your stay is as pleasant possible, and these three certainly made the most of it!


SuitePad helps hotels achieve this level of service by offering guests the chance to order food, drinks, souvenirs, and other services at their own leisure. There are, however, some guests out there who love using this service so much, they took this to the extreme! We’re going to share with you the three largest orders ever made using a SuitePad, highlighting precisely how the platform can offer your business the opportunity to maximize its revenue through sales.

Coming in at number 3 – A boozy Christmas shindig!

In December 2018, at a certain Berlin hotel – the name of which will remain anonymous – there was room service order that totaled a whopping €1,720! Included in the order was a bottle each of 7-year aged rum, Brugal, Tanqueray Gin, Hendrick’s Gin, Alpha Noble vodka, Grey Goose vodka, and four bottles of Jack Daniels! 

We don’t know what went on in that room, but it’s unlikely they drank it all to themselves. Even so, that’s an impressive order and we’re sure a good time was had by all!

A respectable effort for 2nd place – The chocoholic

Everyone likes chocolate, but have you ever had the urge to order over 100 boxes of handmade gourmet chocolates straight to your room? Well, that’s exactly what one guest used their SuitePad for at a 5-star spa resort in South East Germany! In addition to ordering 120 boxes of signature gourmet chocolates, they also ordered 30 packs of specialty salt from the region, running up a bill totaling €2,200. We just hope they have a large enough family to share it with or else they’ll be eating chocolate for the rest of their life!

The undisputed runaway leader! – The wine connoisseur

Wine lovers take their wine very, very seriously, and when they find one they like, they’ll do anything to ensure they add it to their collection! So, it’s highly likely that the guest who ordered 208 bottles of wine via their SuitePad, at a total cost of €5,408, had found one they liked! It must be said, the luxury retreat hotel in question is situated in South Tyrol – one of the best wine regions in the world – so maybe they were still buzzing after a tour of the region's famous wineries! Let’s hope there weren’t any regrets the following morning…

Taking it to the extreme

Of course, not every order made through a SuitePad is as lucrative as these extreme examples, but it does show that there are some people out there who relish the opportunity to indulge while they’re staying in a hotel – whether it’s copious amounts of chocolate, high-end wine, or enough booze for a classic Berlin all-nighter!

SuitePad is the perfect platform for guests who wish to fulfill these desires to do so – giving them easy access to great guest experiences while increasing potential sales revenue for hotels.

If you’re interested to see how SuitePad can increase the sales revenue at your hotel, why not book an obligation-free demo? Who knows? You may end up with that million-dollar room service order that changes everything!

- Published on May 29, 2019

Topics: Industry Trends

Gregor Herz

Gregor Herz

Gregor was a content marketing manager at SuitePad between May 2019 and October 2021.

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